Piano sales in the summer
Summer Sales
Piano sales in the summer are usually slow so we are happy to report not only did we survive, we thrived! With kids being out of school, families are too busy keeping up with vacations and such; so purchasing a family piano goes on the back burner. We are happy to announce that here at Stilwell Pianos we were pleasantly surprised by continued high sales. With Teresa focusing on the books and the general running of the store; Annah focusing on quickly providing quality refurbished pianos,and Lucas keeping pianos in tune, it allows me time to do what I do best….search for high quality, affordable used pianos for our discerning customers.
Mark your calendar
In other news…we are excited to announce that we will have a booth at this years Junk in the Trunk show at West-World in Scottsdale on Saturday November 9th 2013. We have heard great things about this event and we feel our vintage pianos will be a perfect fit to this show. You can check it out here: http://junkinthetrunkvintagemarket.com/our-vendors/
Shop News
We are saddened to announce we are currently having some issues with our building and actually considering a move. We have had leaks in our ceiling since week one and it has been one hassle after another to try and get them fixed. With that and the now debunked air condition units, we have started looking for another space to lease. As you know, keeping pianos in the right climate is important. We can not take any chances with our precious cargo! The good thing is we will not be moving in the summer heat which is not good for our spirits and our pianos! Don’t worry, we will remain in Tempe and we will keep you posted.
Last but not least, our one and only piano refurbisher, Annah, from our Vintage Piano Shop, along with her husband Josh, are expecting their first child early next year. Congratulations to them both. Stilwell Pianos is a family based business and we are excited to be adding to our ever growing family.

Liverman baby!
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