Tim runs the back shop like a well-oiled machine. Every piano that comes through our door passes through his shop where it is dismantled, cleaned, buffed, touched up and photographed (by Adam). Tim is extremely talented with touch up and can make any piano look brand new. He manages a team of about 4 other back shop workers and is in charge of the general workflow of the workshop. You may see him sneaking out of the back to get a snack from time to time but he is generally very quiet and focused on his work.
Life Outside the Shop
Tim is my wife’s little brother and I have known him since he was 7 years old (he is now 27 years old). Of all the siblings on that side (my wife is one of 6!), Tim is the most private and reserved. He is also extremely smart and intellectual. Tim is a musician (piano + guitar) and enjoys riding his bike and being extremely secretive with all of his family. Well at least that’s how we feel… haha