As the Store Manager and Head Purchaser, Nathan does pretty much everything. He is who buys all our pianos, manages the work flow and fixes anything I break. This guy is the epitome of a handy man and I take advantage of that all the time… Nathan is one of my best friends and because he grew up in the piano industry like I did, he can anticipate our every need. If you come in, you may see him moving a piano, helping a customer find the piano they are looking for or even repairing our AC units! I’m not kidding, he can do it all!
Life Outside the Shop
Nathan is an avid musician and is always in at least one band (guitarist/vocals). He uses our concert hall as a practice room and has even played a couple shows here for our customers. Nathan is also very into reptiles and loves going out “hunting” but always catches and releases. Nathan and his wife also own an Airbnb cabin in the same small town we live in part time, Pine AZ. To rent his cabin, click below! Nathan also has two grown children who are both awesome, creative people just like Nathan and his wife Denise! To view Nathan's Airbnb cut and paste this link - https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/47919064?guests=1&adults=1&s=67&unique_share_id=cdad944f-b18e-4cc9-bb3c-9ef37b0d49c8