If this women didn’t work here, I am pretty sure none of us would have a job…. My mom handles all the annoying paperwork, bills, insurance, payroll, etc. I tried it in the beginning but man, that stuff is so boring, I simply couldn’t hang… Luckily my mom was retiring from decades of service in the nonprofit world and I was able to trick her into a “part time” job here! That was about 5 years ago and I cant tell you how important that move was for our family business. She is constantly keeping Nathan and I in check and making sure we don’t run the company into the ground with our crazy ideas! If you have booked a recital at our store or been to any events here, you probably worked with her as she handles all of that as well. She also has candy in her office and doubles as a babysitter…
Life Outside the Shop
My mom loves a good book and a pool (in summer). Now that my sister (not in the biz) had her first baby, my parents have 5 grand babies and spend as much time with them as possible. Mom actually watches our two girls most Mondays while my wife homeschools our boys. She also enjoys bike rides and enjoying AZ weather. She is from the Southside of Chicago and although we come from Irish blood, she prefers the warmer, snow free weather of the Southwest. My parents also have a home in Pine AZ where we live part time and enjoy going up there a few times a month as well.