Isaac is another back shop worker who helps Tim make our pianos look brand new. I hired him a couple years ago after his dad came in looking for a piano. We hit it off and he told me his son was looking for work in the music industry. Because of how well his dad played, I figured his son must be a great musician as well and I was happy to find out I was right! These days Isaac spends most of his time in the back buffing polyester pianos, spraying lacquer and polishing brass. He can also be found on the floor training as a piano technician with one of our more established techs.
Life Outside the Shop
Isaac is in a rock and roll band (shocker huh?!) and spends most of his time taking care of his beloved chickens… That’s right, Isaac lives in downtown Phoenix and has a crap ton of chickens and even a goat! I was a little shocked when I heard about the mini farm this guy has downtown but if you know Isaac, its not that weird.. He is one of the nicest, funny and genuine people you will ever meet.